Good evening all… Finale refugee here again…
How to I get text I’ve put into the score to appear in parts?? I’m writing improvisation exercises for students and, in the score, have provided notes about what they’re doing but these notes do not appear in the part. Screen shots attached.
Hi @Kerry_Moffit, you need to write System Text for this (Shift+alt+X), and not Staff-attached Text (Shift+X)
Here the Manual:
Or, even better: from your examples it looks like using customised Flow Headings (in case you use separate Flows for each exercise, what is suggested) would be easier and more elegant. As shown in the picture: just eliminate the flow number token and the dot, and put the flow title token left aligned, you can then define the Flow Title Paragraph Style from Library menu, as desired. Make sure you make this changes in both Flow Full Score and Parts Flow Headings (if you select a Part Layout you will see and will able to edit the Flow heading Template for all the parts at once):
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Taking your suggestion, I broke the exercises down into flows. In the score, adding flow titles was no problem but, those flow titles didn’t copy over to the individual parts. I’ve included screen shots of 2 parts; C Instruments, where I’ve added the flow titles manually using text boxes and tokens, and the Eb part where you can see that none of the flow titles are present.
To me, if I add a flow heading to the score, it should automatically populate to each part. I’ve not found any setting in layouts or preferences that addresses this.
Uploading: Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 21.36.07.png…
Click the arrow in that Pages panel in the upper right above Page Templates. Do any of the pages in there have a red triangle in the corner signifying a page override? If so, then they will no longer update, as you’ve told Dorico you’re handling the presentation of that page by yourself. If you remove the overrides in that part, then you should see the updated flow titles return.
I removed the overrides and the flow titles I put in manually disappeared. At the same time though, the flow titles from the score didn’t populate either.
I have yet to figure out how to set up my own templates for this stuff. Something I’ll have to get my head wrapped around. First though, is to make sure I create materials my students need.
I assume you’ve actually selected the Layout Option to show the Flow Headings in all the layouts where you want them to show?
Different layouts (on the right in Layout Options) can obviously have different settings, so make sure the settings you want are applied to the layout you want.
Don’t edit the pages directly on the layout, but use the page/headings templates, and the global Layout Options.
And for the layout Options to show flow headings on the parts @FredGUnn answered it just now (select all the layouts on the right panel of Layout Options to apply the changes on all of them)
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