Text vs. tempo: switch stacking order?


I have a piece that has multiple sections that have their own mini titles. I added those titles as system text, but the result has two shortcomings:


  1. I would like the title to sit above the tempo marking. These two clash at almost all of these spots since most of the sections have their titles and a tempo marking.
  2. The second one is more of a aftereffect: The “rit.” flies up in the air because it is defined to reach all the way to the new tempo marking. (I could of course change this by reducing the “line”.)

Is there an option somewhere that would set the title above the tempo, thus solving both issues at once?
I have scrolled through the engraving options sections “Text” and “Tempo”, but nothing there caught my eye.

Thanks, everyone :slight_smile:

I’m afraid there’s no such thing as tucking index between text stuff (staff text or system text) and anything else. But this would probably be very useful in the long run… Let’s make this a feature request!

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You may find that you get better spacing out of the box if you turn off Avoids Collisions (or switch on and then untick) for the text object. Yes, it’ll superimpose the text object on the tempo marking and yes, you’ll need to laboriously shift it up manually in each of your layouts separately (this is an irritation not found in either of the other big two commercial programs with regard to system text) but at least both the rit and the following tempo mark will be in the right spot.


I agree with Marc here! More generally, it would be great if one could set the stacking order for elements (and not just necessarily text), because I’ve run into problems like that too.


Hi, pianoleo.

Thanks - I already evaluated this workaround by myself.
Just wanted to make sure I had not overseen something obvious before getting into all these manual adjustments :wink:

I’d like to bump this thread up to see if there has been any change to this because I just ran into this exact same problem. In my case, I had dialog cues at the start of each flow and the tempo markings consistently went above the system text I was using for the dialog cues. I had to move them in every flow in every layout. :frowning:

AFAIK No: one must still adjust this manually.

Hi @Steve_Sensenig, a couple of suggestions (in case you already know them, please ignore this post):

  1. you could maybe use customised Flow headings for that text, depending on its amount and space needed?
  1. If you use text instead, before editing the position of the text in the score in engrave mode, set Local properties on Globally in the properties panel: the avoid collision property deactivation and positioning the text in the score relative to the System Objects (as Tempo markings for example) using the Common Offset instead of the Per staff-offset will propagate then to all the layouts. Of course you need to fine adjust them in the layouts (with the Per-staff offset this time, either using the arrows icons or dragging the text, and setting the Local properties on Locally, before!), but in this way you have already a better starting point for the fine adjustments.

I made a short video to show this second workflow (to handle the global and local positioning of system-attached text), in case someone is interested (as always, sorry for my poor spoken English … :blush: ):

I exclusively use custom flow headings for musical number cues. I have a couple of headers of different sized depending on the length of the cue.

With Markup allowed now in in the File Info > OtherInfo field, this process has become even more useful.