Thank you for posting tips/tricks videos!!

Thanks for making these easy to find, and in an appropriate place. I’ve almost tripled my Cubase competency this weekend just by watching these over a few times.

PLEASE make more videos. As an American I find it difficult to read printed text for comprehension, let alone find out where countries like “Nuremberg” are.

But seriously, the videos are very useful.

Check youtube for more Cubase tutorials. You will find a lot of useful videos from people around the world.

Here is the link of the official videos:

Check out this guy. His username in youtube is
musicprotutorials. He’s always showing useful stuff.

As a American I find it difficult to read… :slight_smile:

You can always see the images! :laughing:

this is pure gold! lol

here’s another guy producing some really good tutorial videos (IMO maybe the best Cubase tutorials on youtube) … unfortunately its all in German though.