That "disappearing" plugin thing; still in C9?


the plug-ins not loading are theoretically those who need attention and dynamic linking. Does not matter if they are old or not, but how they link to the library (the limitation itself exists since XP, IIRC - it was just difficult to hit it with a Pentium 4 :wink: )

As per the ways of dealing with the issue, GerogeV just linked this post which explains the behaviour pretty well:

Maybe the last part especially gives hints on how to circumvent the problem, for example by reducing the amount of unique plug-ins - which is kind of my workflow and probably the reason why I personally never stomped on this issue (I tend to use the same plugs, for example SSL Channel E on all audio tracks, Pro-G on all drums, Portico on all groups, etc.). I don’t know to which extent this approach is possible for you (Brandy).