Windows Wins because:
A) Cheaper
B) Far more compatible,
C) Customizable
D) You can keep your old hardware for much longer
E) You can recycle your PC parts in a new built
Isn’t it?..
What I can say, I run Win10 and it runs absolutely smooth, I never have a problem with it. It wasn’t like that before Vista. Maybe this debate comes from those times. Nowadays, I think, it’s no longer significant. One key point for me is certainly that it’s more affordable and compatible.
I don’t think people have any more time to waste on this. We do what we have to do with what we have and it depends on each person’s financial means.
Oops! I just wasted two minutes of my time…
And time is money ., money money money.
Windows is really great at everything, except for the things that the Mac is better at.
And vice versa.
I use MacOS, Windows and Linux on a daily basis, since I like and dislike different things in each ecosystem. There’s no “winner”:
I’ve always been a windows user from pre win 95 days.
I am running Cubase Elements 11 on a 8 yr old HP laptop with win 10 and it works fine for me as I don’t have a huge number of track to process.
I inherited an iMac from my late dad and it is an annoyance most of the time. It’s not as intuitive as windows and does not have the right click functions of a pc. It’s a whole new way of doing things. I guess if you have spent all your life on a Mac it would be ok.
I’m Just moving from Windows 7/Cubase 11 to Windows 11/Cubase 13, and not a single piece of gear in my studio needs to change.
That should tell you everything you need to know about Mac vs Windows.
Zero problems with W10.
Any Mac users having problems? like with compatibility?
The ancient Windows/Mac wars are over. Please take that elsewhere.