The Case of the Missing Glissandi


I did a search for this before posting and found others were having similar issues, and discovered that glissandi are currently not supported in condensed mode when passing over a system break. However, in my case, the glissandi are disappearing 2 bars before, and 1 bar before the system break, while not crossing it. Here are the screenshots of galley view vs. page view…

Galley View:

Page View:
(Will post file in reply since I’m restricted to posting one file at a time.)

Notice the glissandi are missing 2 bars and 1 bar before the break. Is there a solution or workaround if this is a known issue?

Thank you!

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Page View:

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I’m afraid there’s no workaround at the moment. This is on our list of things to address in future.

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FYI, I just ran into this as well.