the recommended way to display individual percussion instruments on part layouts


What is the recommended way to display individual percussion instruments on part layouts?

I think I have read all relevant thread in the forum by searching. Of course, I may not have found all threads and may misunderstand something.

What I understand are the followings:

  1. There are two options to allocate multiple percussion instruments to a player
    1.1. Using combined percussion kit by selecting combine instruments into kit from the context menu in setup mode.
    1.2. Without using 1.1, Dorico automatically does not show the empty staves per system and display the changed instrument name.

  2. Using 1.2. has two problems described in:

  1. Single-line instruments do not need legend in the score layout because the names of instruments are already there. However, Single-line instruments use unnecessary spaces in a score and in parts:
    3.1. In a score, the staff height might be too short, so the items in score can be to small.
    3.2. In parts, the percussionist must turn pages too often.

  2. Five-line staff display instrument legend only the first system in score layout by using the following:

  • Edit → Percussion → Legend for percussion instruments
  • The same menu via context menu
  1. Therefore, the best way for percussion seems to be the grid for score layouts because it displays the instrument name in all systems and uses small spaces.

  2. However, we have a problem in parts regarding displaying instrument names.
    How can I display the individual percussion instrument names on part layouts? I could not find a good way.
    At least five-staff should display the name, but it does not if the first bar is empty. Moreover, adding it on the first bar of each system seems not to be a good way.
    6.1. Is there a way to show individual percussion instrument names in the part name?
    6.2. What is the best way to show individual percussion instrument names on the left side of each staff?
    6.2.1. for grid
    6.2.2. for five-line staff
    6.2.3. for single-line staff
    6.3. What is the best way to show individual percussion instrument names on the left side of the first staff if 6.2. is not possible?
    6.3.1. for grid
    6.3.2. for five-line staff
    6.3.3. for single-line staff

Please see the attachments:

Why not simply use the controls on the ‘Staves and Systems’ page of Layout Options to show staff labels in the part?

Ah, I thought they had been already checked, but they were not!
I was silly.
Thank you. The problem is resolved!