Thick bar lines when importing MusicXML

Hey, I just imported a MusicXML file and I get super thick bar lines:

I noticed that if I select the bar lien and press Del it fixes it:

Not sure what is that entity that got added and causes the bar line to be super thick. How do I quickly select all bar lines and delete to restore the natural bar line thickness?

Here’s the problematic XML file:
SHEET MUSIC - Black Parade (2).xml (3.3 MB)

As far as I can see, the import Preferences in Dorico seem to apply only to notation.

Open the xml file in a text editor.

Replace all occurrences of:


with either nothing at all or maybe a space.

The text to be deleted will be part of a line which looks like:

DO NOT delete anything else in the line apart from what I mentioned earlier.

Save the file, making sure that it has the original file type ( .xml ).

If your text editor saves it as something else, eg .txt, change it.

The file should now import into Dorico with normal barlines.

In case you can’t get it to work or are deathly scared of that sort of editing, here is the Dorico project after importing the doctored xml file.

SHEET MUSIC - Black Parade (2) copy.dorico (2.1 MB)

Also, here is the xml file after doing the editing which I described above.

SHEET MUSIC - Black Parade (2) edited.xml (3.2 MB)


You’re a legend!

If you don’t want to mess around with the xml file, just delete the time signature and then re-enter it!


I tried changing the meter but not deleting

and…? what happened?

Replace all occurrences of:

@StevenJones01 Nice! This is actually a pretty smart solution. I am familiar with XML in general but not with MusicXML so I did not think at all about editing this file.

If you don’t want to mess around with the xml file, just delete the time signature and then re-enter it!

@Janus This is actually a much quicker solution! Thanks. Marked as solution

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Ah yes… it didn’t work. I’m not sure why the rest of the sentence didn’t make it!
