This guy needs to invest in a UPS.

What more can I say but, wow…

Hopefully all the internet will eventually only contain relevant news like this. As well, I am an avid reader of the equally factual

I thought it was funny, but both dailycurrent & equalizermag still have to bow down to theonion.


hahaha, speaking of theonion, another funny one. New Study Finds Only 88% Of Guitar Center Customers Become Famous Musicians

Aloha Mr. B,

Kool site.
I had not yet learned of it.

Tanx for the link.

UK satirical spoof article ;


I got a good laugh out of that one Dave :laughing:

:slight_smile: Nice one Dave.

I think you’ll like this guys , but I don’t know if its available in other countries ;

The Life Of Rock with Brian Pern .


Not to offend anyone, but it gives a whole new meaning to the concept of “wannabe’s”.

Surely a new category in the content of Sony’s ekstream catalog of competition?

UK only unfortunately :frowning:

LOL. That’s very funny. He’s not the only one that doesn’t like digital synths. I guess he doesn’t like computers also. It’s 2014. :smiley: