Time signature doesn't match the number of notes

Time signature is 12/4 doesn’t match the number of notes. It looks like 8/4.
How can I resolve this?

Turn on insert mode, select the 12/4, and hit Return twice. That will reset the bar length.

Turn off insert mode when you’ve done that. What would be more interesting and informative is figuring out how you got to this point.

Hi Mark,
As the time signature indicates, I want to draw a note with 12 quarter notes(24 half notes), but I can only draw 8 quarter notes(16half notes). The method you suggested seems like it’s just changing the time signature, which doesn’t seem to work…

Sorry – I didn’t actually try it before writing. The problem with your example is that you have somehow added an explicit final barline where it doesn’t belong.

Simply select that final barline and delete it. This should restore 12/4.