Time Stretch Help

I have a ten second drum loop at 124 BPM. I want to be able to copy the loop to make it the length of a proper track and also change the tempo from 124 BPM to 134 BPM. How do I do this in Cubase AI Elements? Or is this no possible?


Select the Audio event and enable Musical Mode in the project window Inspector or in the Pool. Then the Audio event will follow the tempo changes.

I selected the audio event, but there is no option to enable the musical mode? Unless I’m looking in the right place??


In the Setup Window Layout enable Info View, please. You can find the field here. Or in the Pool in the M column.

It is enabled. And still nothing, see screen shot maybe it can help you see what I’m seeing and if I’m doing it right.


Now select the Audio event (not the Audio track), i.e. the event with the waveform, please.

I have selected the audio event. What do I do next?


Enable the Musical Mode by clicking to the Musical Mode field in the Info view, please.

Hi Martin,
My apologies, but where and how do i do this? I can’t see any musical mode written anywhere?


You can read more in the manual here or here.

You can do it also in the Sample Editor. You can see the icon described here.

And here you can see a screenshot, what I was talking about.

Thank you Martin, that helped and worked. Much appreciated your patience and help.

Hi Martin,
Does the time stretch function also work in reverse? Ie: if you have a faster tempo section and want to slow it down to match the pitch and tempo of the other audio events?


Yes, you can slow down the tempo too. But the Pitch will remains. This is the basic idea of the Time stretch – the tempo changes, but the pitch remains. So you can use it even for melody or harmony sounds.

Hi Martin,
Thanks for this. I have an audio event which I have not reset the tempo according to your previous advice, but now I also need to shrink the length of it so that it finishes exactly at the same point as the other audio events. How do I do this? I have clicked on selection tool and selected audio event but when I try to move the event to the left to shrink it, it does not shrink or move into place, it remains the length???


Make sure Snap to Grid is disabled, please.