Time Warp

We may read in the C 7.0.7`s manual:

“Editing tempo and signature - Page 624
5.Press [Shift] and click in the event at the position of the first downbeat (the start of the bar).
When you press [Shift], the pointer turns into a pencil. Clicking adds a tempo event at the first downbeat – when you later adjust the tempo with the Time Warp tool, the first downbeat will stay in place.”

My cursor is not changing here. Is the manual out dated or am I missing something? Maybe in preferences?

Thanks in advance,

Sorry, can’t verify my answer right now, but did you try the “ALT” key already ? (instead of “SHIFT”)

Hi Vanhaze, yep Ive tried with Control and Alt aswell. Strange because it was working exactly like in the manual, but now I dont remember if it was before C7.

If I’m understanding this correctly I think you just click to add a tempo change now…no modifier, no pencil cursor…seems to work here in 7.5.1…Obviously you must select the warp tool first.

Ok, looks like they have to update the manual. Cheers mate!