Timecode issue – video start offset is affecting my markers?

I’m getting into my first media scoring project using Dorico (+ Cubase), and have run into an issue between the marker timecode and video start offset timecode.

Basically, I am finding that the value “Video start offset” in the video properties dialog window doesn’t merely offset the video, but appears to offset the timecode of the entire session, too. This is presenting a real problem while bringing in markers from hitpoints generated in Cubase. For example I have a cue starting here on 00:03:05:06. First I set my flow’s timecode start to reflect this value, and then imported a tempo track from Cubase. The markers came in as expected:

But then after attaching video, for playback sync obviously I need to offset it to start from that same point:

Doing so resulted in correct video sync, but immediately my flow’s timeline timecode effectively doubled. This completely erased all my markers:

I experimented with timecode start set to 00:00:00:00, however, the result is that I cannot bring markers in with the correct sync placement. I would think that the point of “Video start offset” is to only affect where the video starts for playback, but not the timecode of the score itself. Timecode start is the only value I would expect to affect the markers and tempo track.

I am sharing a basic project which includes my imported markers on a simple piano flow, with the correct timecode start, in case you can test on your end by attaching a video and adjusting its playback offset.

timecode marker issue.dorico (401.5 KB)

For the time being I am importing markers as system-attached text which works ok since they aren’t affected by timecode, but I would prefer to see the timecode-based markers and track correctly displayed. Please let me know how it might be possible. Thank you!