Timing corrections - "definition" tool vs. "audio warp" tool

What is the difference between the “definition” tool and the “audio warp” tool in the audio editor? Is the definition tool basically intended for editing timing in loops whereas audio warp can be used anywhere?

I don’t understand the difference/use of these two tools - or why there are two tools that seem to do the same thing. Can someone enlighten me?

Thank you!

No answers for your request to contrast and compare :frowning:

Maybe more response would be forthcoming if you were to give a somewhat specific example of what problem you wanted to solve.

In the meantime, I can give an example of how some use “Set definition from tempo” (I think it’s called) - for doing MIDI overdubs to audio that wasn’t recorded to a click track - i.e., the tempo of the audio recording is pretty much continuously changing.

Best option of course is to practice the overdub enough times so that the overdub playing is spot on with the original audio.

But another way is to:

  1. Create a tempo map of the original audio (using Tap Tempo, or TIme Warp or something). Save it somewhere!
  2. Apply “Set Definition from Tempo” to the audio track.
  3. Then flatten the tempo track to one tempo value.

At this stage, the original audio plays back at the tempo of the tempo track, that’s what “Set Definition From Tempo” does. In this case, it’s a constant tempo, as if recorded to a click track. So, now it’s easy peasy to lay overdubs to. Of course you could do wild/crazy things to the tempo track, and because you used “Set Definition From Tempo” … the original audio will follow it.
(Personally, I like to write songs where the % change in the average tempo of any 10 measures compared to the previous 10 measures tracks day-to-day changes in the reported frequency of the cosmic background radiation during the course of writing the song. I find it’s better than using the “Humanize” feature in the “Quantize” submenu, because it’s like using a “Cosmic-ize” button instead, and that has to be better, doesn’t it. But that’s just me, setting the tempo to a constant value is fine too.)
Then to reverse it, load up the original tempo track. The original audio will now play back as it was recorded, and the MIDI overdubs will be perfectly in time with it.

HTH in some small way -