Title on pages following 1

I have the title on p. 1 as Arial, 22 bold. On all following pages, I want the title in the header as Times New Roman, 12 pt. italic. How can I set that up, and retain it in a template?

I don’t need to relate it back to the score setup panel. I just want to type it in a placeholder on page two, and have it carry over.

In Library > Paragraph styles set Title to Arial bold 22 and header to times new Roman 12pt italic

Thank you. How do I assign that to pages 2 and following? I’ve read about frames in the manual, but I couldn’t figure that out.

Hi, if you search for Page Templates in Dorico, you will get the information you need. Basically you will have to edit your Default Page (not the Title Page) in the Page Template editor. Default Pages are the ones that will follow after the Title Page.

Thanks! That answers a couple of questions.