Is it possible to do top-line notation in Dorico?
- that is, replace the voicing with the top note, and keep a long empty stem showing (while still maintaining playback)?
Is it possible to do top-line notation in Dorico?
This should be possible.
Try the following:
In Write mode, select the passage in question.
In Edit > Filter, choose Deselect only
In Edit > Filter > Notes in Chords, choose Top Notes or Single Notes
Go into Engrave mode and open the Properties panel
In the Notes and Rests section, enable Hide notehead
Once you have finished doing all this, it is probably a good idea to go back into Edit > Filter and choose Select only.
Hm. I don’t see an option for Hide Notehead.
I tried a custom scale, but it leaves the ledger lines showing - sorta works, but it looks messy. I’ll do something else.
Oh dear, sorry to say but it’s because ties are selected … Painful as it sounds, you’ll have to ctrl-click each tie independently to deselect them (zoom in so you don’t click on the little square handles only)
This doesn’t work - the ties are part of the duration definition. I tried selecting just one entry, and the option “hide noteheads” did not appear.
What I mean is: select the notes in write mode, go to engrave mode, deselect the ties, and then you will see hide noteheads
Come to think of it, a faster way is to select the notes in write mode, deselect those that are tied, then go into engrave mode, hide the note heads, and then individually, select the notes that were tied, and hide their noteheads
Oh! And in all cases, run the filter after selecting the notes!
Yes ! Brilliant. And I also see Hide Ledger Lines… That’s the look. In Finale, there was a JW Plugin for Topline Notation, and this gets there. Bit of a workaround, but the effect is there.
I see that I can marquee-select anything in Engrave mode, then the relevant options show for them.