So - it’s been a while since I embarked on this.
My HexFM TouchOSC template is buggy as heck, there is still a lot of work to do, but since I’m a marketing genius I won’t be mentioning any of this and will give you a look into what’s functioning instead:
- Track Color changes
- Track Name changes
- Quick Control names (that was a difficult one so I’m kind proud of this) - which are editable only if you keep a not-so-aptly-named “lock” button on top (so yeah, it only work on multi-touch by design).
- Press and Hold buttons to Go To / Set markers
- Right and Left locators buttons
- General use Macros and Buttons to help my workflow.
- A “help” page (yeah I know it’s lame, but you’ll thank me later)
Future improvements could be buttons for insert track divided per type, different pages for instruments, MIDI and audio, “choose-your-own-number” MIDI CCs in the long faders area.
It’s been a heck of a rollercoaster, and still a lot of unanswered questions, haha… but it’s been fun.
Ping me a line if you have any suggestions on where I should go next with this?