Track Type names?

The words “stereo” or “mono” used to appear in the bottom left area on the control portion of audio tracks in Cubase 5 (where the solo and mute buttons are) but it seems to have disappeared in Cubase 6.

Is there a preference to turn this on? I’ve honestly looked through the manual trying to find a way to turn it back on.

They have move it to the ‘track controls settings’. You can have it anywhere you want in the row of buttons.

Nathan Jones

except for where it used to be… no longer possible to have it directly underneath the Mute/Solo buttons :wink:

Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.

Wow. FAIL, Steinberg.

I just added the channel configuration gadget. That little white circle sucks. I’m all for simplifying design but it looks like they hardly put any thought into that icon.

Give me back the words or take a little more time and do something more aesthetically pleasing.