Tracks won't unmute

Wanted to work with saxes in big band project so I muted all other instruments. Finished with saxes but now all other instruments are stuck on mute. Sax mute and solo still work normally.

Clicked on mute buttons individually as well as the deactivate all. Thought I might have accidentally automated it so clicked on “delete all automation”.

Restarted Dorico and then rebooted computer but they are still stuck on mute.

In solo mode all parts play but when I deactivate solo mode the mutes are still stuck.

Other projects are working fine. So it is something specific to this project.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, @James_Bazen !

Can you upload a cut-down version of your project so someone can take a look?

Well, I could. But in my frustration I walked away from it to take a break. When I came back to the battle it was magically working again.

I didn’t do anything since my original post so I have no idea why. Just glad it’s working again.

However, if this happened to me it might have happened to others and may well happen again. So maybe, if nothing else, this post will be the start of documentation.

Apologies for taking up your time.

Happy new year to all!

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