Transport Bar

Is it possible to redesign Transport Bar to a slightly larger and simple version of any WL prior to WL9 or like that of Protools (Floating)/ WL Master Section (F9)? that can also be docked.

Loop selection in new transport bar is now seen as a preset.

Also avoiding unnecessary features like the existing Loop Mode

that can be converted to

The transport bar can be docked in various places, but there is no other plan at this time.

Ok thank you, what about the Loop Mode playing 2-5 times? Is that conversion at least possible in a future update?

What do you mean?


I still don’t understand what you mean.

Everything on loop under one icon

Is WL Playing loop two to five times really necessary? In that case there may be people who want WL to play loop 7 or 8 times, I think this new Menu is insulting WL.

This feature has been in WaveLab for almost nine years, and you are the first one to complain about its presence. There is no plan to change this.

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minimal theme example (Reason)