If I have sequence of chords in a couple of measures that start on A minor chord, for example and I want a similar sequence, but retaining notes of the key, now starting on D minor, is there a method? I don’t want to use a tranpose track,
Yes, although I’m not at Cubase so this description will be a bit vague.
First make sure you have a Chord Track with your key set on it.
VAGUE ALERT: this next could be on the Track’s Inspector, Key Editor or both. But there are settings that will force Notes to conform to the Key & Chord events on the Chord Track. Now if you drag the Chord Notes up & down they’ll stay in key.
You can also set the Key Editor so only the Notes in the key are even shown. Might want to take a look at the musical Key stuff in the manual - there are a fair number of related features. You can even set it up so any bum Notes you play are converter to proper ones.
Finally in the Key Editor you can change the Note Coloring from the default Velocity to the Chord Track which helps seeing what is in or out of the Key or Chord.
I am not sure I fully understand the question. Instead of A minor you would like to use D dorian?
I read it as wanting to move Chords up and down while remaining in the existing Scale, but it is a bit ambiguous. I think they are using the term ‘transpose’ in a more generic manner rather than changing the piece’s key.
So there was a chord track with the Am key set. I had dragged the chord track to a midi track and then shortened the length of the chords as I wanted.
I copied the chord track to a point further along in the track and dragged it down again to the midi track. then I selected all the notes in the editor and moved the initial A note to D. It seems successfully to have moved the chords as hoped, keeping in the key (D dorian now I guess)
but I see this looking in the editor, while in the chord track and the midi track it is still showing the names of the original chords. That doesn’t change automatically. thanks.
On closer look, I see that it did change the final A to A# or Bflat the make a G minor chord though. Now I see that earlier there is A# earlier, in the bass note which was below the screen before. So I wonder why it is adding a note not in the scale.
I don’t think Chord Events on the Chord Track transpose automatically in any way. As far as I know this has to be done manually. I admit, I never tried to have them auto-transpose.
That’s correct. The easiest is to Select all the Chord Events. The Info Line will show the settings for the first Event. Change that and the other Events will follow proportionally.