What’s the procedure to do this ?
- Input two minims/half notes on the top staff.
- Select them both and type Shift-R 32 Enter.
- Select the second one and type M to cross staff to the stave below.
Nothing happened for me .
I’ve have a two handed unmeasured tremolo for the piano
I already have the notes
I just want to space the notes between the two staffs and add the tremolo between
Been looking and can’t figure this out . Should I contact tech support ?
No, @m.ralston77 , you should follow Leo’s solution.
(And please do not post the same question on two different threads.)
Thanks , Didn’t mean to post question twice
Thought first one was gone .
Tough on my phone
That was it ! Thanks
I wasn’t thinking outside the box !
Go to think in terms of one measure !
I really appreciate it . You’ve made my day
Cheers .b