Tremolo between two notes

I read through the documentation on creating tremolos but can’t seem to figure out how to create the following figure?


I’m able to get the following, but is there a way to get the beam connecting the two notes together?

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 00.41.42

Thank you for any help!

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Just change Engraving Options > Tremolos to display as you want.

It would be nice if we could get the first two behaviour to apply also for other tremolo values (shorter than a minim), which is not always the case.

thank you!

Then, if using the first option for shorter note lengths, how would you be able to distinguish this from just two eighths, sixteenths, etc.?

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I know… it’s just old habit of certain XIX century editions which I can no longer reproduce faithfully (mainly cello studies).