Trill playback weirdness

This is interesting… on my Violin II staff, when I extend the trill on the dotted half note to cover the quarter note, it plays a generated trill (as opposed to playing my trill sound samples).


On the Violin I staff just above this one, where the notation is almost identical (the notes are different), when I extend the trill to cover the quarter note, I hear my trill samples as expected. :confused:

Note that, when I ornament both notes separately, playback interprets a whole step trill for both notes of the upper (Violin I) staff, while the Violin II staff employs a half-step for the dotted half note, then switches to a whole step trill for the quarter note. I wonder if this has anything to do with the generated trill on playback of the Violin II bars, when I cover both notes with the same trill:

Could it be that according to the key signature, your D is a natural and playing a whole-tone trill, while your F is a sharp but G is not sharpened in the key signature, so the trill there would normally play as a half-step? If so, that would explain it.

The key signature is G# minor, so D and F are sharp. The same sort of logic as you describe applies, I guess.

I’m just curious as to why covering both notes with the same ornament causes playback to interpret them as the “Natural” expression, resulting in the generated sound. :thinking:

I don’t know the precise details of exactly why that happens, and I’d prefer not to go spelunking through the code to find out unless it’s of vital importance to you that you know. The main thing, I think, is to use separate trill lines for separate pitches, which is more conventional notation anyway (there are exceptions, of course; I believe John Williams’s score for the Harry Potter movies is one such exception).

It does seem like a bug to me, to have a note with a trill over it interpreted as “Natural” in the Playing Techniques lane. The fact that Dorico seems to try to play it as a trill reinforces the notion.

But it’s not a big deal, no. As always, thanks for your time.