triple head monitor dedicated layout

Hi all

I have a triple head layout on my DAW. I would like to set up the following:

  • Screen 1 : VST’s
  • Screen 2 : pianoroll (when I open it)
  • Screen 3 : MixConsole.

Is there a way I can dedicated that atleast my mixconsole and pianoroll open up on the same screen?

kind regards


I’ve used this layout before. The workspaces feature can achieve this, at least when opening a project or template with the workspace activated. What I’d usually do, when setting up the VST’s to do this especially, is to open the plugins and move them to the window I want, then close them. That way, when you open them again, they should be right where you left them the last time they were open. I’d set up the other windows like this as well, with the piano roll (key editor) set on the monitor I want it to open to, then close it. After doing that for all the windows I wanted to situate, I’d save the template like that. That pretty much worked for me.

thanks I’ll give this a try :slight_smile:

just to add if I may that if you require the mixer to open when you open the project make sure it’s not in full screen mode ,just normal or "always on top " and resize the mixer to the size you want , then save and it will open on opening the project .( sorry just in case you didn’t realise this )