Trying to group clips so their plugins settings get linked within de clip group

Hi, after seeing sequoia in action, I’m looking for a feature which could enable the plugins of one clip to be parameters linked with another clip. I’ve found the group clip function but it seems to link only editing parameters of clip and not plugin parameters. Not sure to be quite clear…
my need is: in a montage, I want to change settings on all verses of songs and not on choruses. I want the plugins settings to follow if I edit only on verse 1.
Thank you

This is a manual process, but what you are looking for should be achieved with this:

Hi, thanks for the quick reply, I got it but it still need to be done for every individual plugins in the clip and it follows only when clicking, this make it kind of risky and not really direct as in Sequoia, one thing that would be great would be if the “replicate” button could be a choice between “replicate once” or “link” and/or “Link within group of clip”, in Sequoia, this operation is made within 3 clicks and it links every parameters of every plugins of all the clips within the group, I think it also link “insert or remove plugins” . would this be something that could come in somedays or absolutely not?

Note that WaveLab remembers the selected targets. Hence when you want to make a new copy, this is quicker.

Thank you Philippe, i’ll try to find my way with the replicate function then…