Trying to load presets crashes Cubase

Trying to load any presets, on a track or channel, usually crashes Cubase instantly. Then after reloading I can load presets fine. I figure this is usually going to happen so I always make sure I save before trying to do that. Or simply forget about any presets and make my own. However, trying to save my own presets can often crash Cubase as well.


  • OS used ?
  • Cubase version ?
  • Which presets (trackpresets, vstpresets, trird party plug-ins ones…) ?
  • What is/are the eventual plug-in(s) involved ?
  • Is it always reproducible ?

So many questions, so little time…

Beside these, and at first, I would try to relaunch Cubase in safe mode, with the Disable program preferences option.
After this, if the issue is still there, a more specific example (with screenshots, if possible) would be welcome.

This is a longshot, but the crashing the first time then working fine on subsequent loads of Cubase reminds me of an issue I was having (and perhaps still am? – I’m careful not to do the behavior that led to the issue these days) that related to Waves Clarity Vx and Clarity Vx DeReverb a while back. Any chance you’re using those plugins?

FWIW, here is the thread I started on this a while back:

I spent a lot of time with Waves support running tests they asked me to do, trying other tests they’d wanted but that were unworkable on my system, etc. The upshot was, they blamed it on some unknown something on my system because they weren’t seeing it elsewhere, and the support people weren’t allowed to talk to the engineers just based on the information I was providing them.

Mac OS 14.7

Cubase 13.0.41

Track presets, Channel presets. eg: acoustic gtr, electric gtr+bass, kick presets, vocal presets, etc.

Track presets, Channel presets. eg: acoustic gtr, electric gtr+bass, kick presets, vocal presets, etc.

This is hard to answer. It’s at least 50% of the time. Meaning after years of this through all different versions and subreleases, I always make sure I’ve saved before trying to load any presets, my own or the included ones. About half the time Cubase (or Nuendo) crashes instantly and half the time it doesn’t. I don’t ever trust it to work anymore, and I’m always hesitant to load presets. Presets for third party plugins are never any problem.

Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate it.

Hi, @Ted_Perlman2

Going to work just now. Will answer you later in the day… :slightly_smiling_face:


Could you please attach the *.dmp file?
Win: %userprofile%/Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

Added to what @Martin.Jirsak asked for, which might give us infos about where the problem comes from, I would like to have an answer to my fourth question (you answered to it exactly the same way as the previous one). The purpose of the former was to eventually know if there is/are specific plug-in(s) that lead to a Cubase crash, or if it occurs in a complete random way.

Beside this for me, channel presets are the same as the track ones. Actially, there are mainly three kinds of presets (check MediaBay) :

  • .trackpresets
  • .vstpresets
  • third party ones loaded in an FX/VSTi window.

It seems that working with third party plug-ins is safe. So, my question is now slightly different : are all of the Cubase bundled FXs and VSTis are prone to a Cubase crash or only specific ones ? Same question for the .trackpresets, actually. Are there inserts included in them, and if so, which ones ?

Beside this, are there given contexts that are more prone to show the issues (use of audio or Instrument .trackpresets, tracks used in a project, plug-ins used as inserts or sends, etc.) ?

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It could be any of them. I know immediately because none of the presets show up and then the dreaded spinning beach ball and I’m done, But after I restart Cubase and reload the song all is well. Any and all presets load fine.

OK. So, have you try to relaunch Cubase in safe mode, with the Disable program preferences option ?

Don’t forget to post here one or two crash dumps file(s), as @Martin.Jirsak suggested previously : they often help to know where crash issues are coming from.