Tuplet and Spacing vs tuple playback

How could one create quintuplets or sextuplets using tremolo repeats in order to declutter? Is that possible? And how can you get playback to sound as if all notes were notated?

This works on playback. Do notational conventions imply subsequent sextuplets? Also, can I get rid of the tablature repeated slashes? The classical guitar repertoire usually uses a bass note and three slashes but as of yet there are no conventions for flamenco guitar. Usually repeated notes are explicitly expressed. Thanks in advance!

I don’t think the 3-stroke tremolo is right, because the repetition is measured. But it is simple to notate the tremolo (and it will playback correctly).

Select the 1st chord of the sextuplet. Change the duration to dotted quarter. Add the tremolo (shift-R //).

This is the result…

You can choose to show or hide the tuplet ratio in properties (Or there is an engraving option Library>Engraving options>Tuplets>Repeated tuplets)

It it possible to copy/paste but you must include the tuplet signpost in your selection!

Any idea on how to remove the tremolo strokes from the lower staff?

This is what I came up with. I still need to remove the tremolo from the tab. Anyone have any ideas?

Probably the only way at this point would be to drag the extra trems off the page, if one can drag them without also dragging those above.