Two kinds of Hypens


I have to write some text in Romanian language and in this language there is often usage of hyphen inside a word. The lyrics often contain this kind of hyphen inside the word, but it shouldn’t break the syllable for the next position. When working in Finale there was this trick to do this by using the alternative Hyphen with key command “alt+0173” and is called “Soft Hyphen” , U+00AD. I tried to use this in Dorico 3.1 but there was no success. Finally I used this other sign but is not the same as you can see from the screenshot.

Anybody had the same problem and can suggest a solution?

What font are you using? With many fonts, holding down Alt while typing a hyphen will give you a non-breaking hyphen that looks the same as a regular hyphen. In cases where it doesn’t, you can resort to various different unicode hyphens (U+002D for instance).

And in the case of the example, ~ is available on many keyboards and, to my knowledge, doesn’t behave like a hyphen.

Romanos, I read the last sentence of the OP as meaning that the tilde is not an appropriate substitute for a hyphen.

Unless I’m mistaken, this is a swung dash: Unicode 2053 (Unicode Utilities: Character Properties.

Cine⁓oleacă⁓avea de cap
Și⁓l punea după dulap

It can be pasted into Dorico in this form: Ci-ne⁓o-lea-că⁓a-vea de cap, și⁓l pu-nea du-pă du-lap.

Unless I’m mistaken, what the OP wants is an actual hyphen, not a tilde. If he/she/they had figured out how to insert it in Dorico (and they clearly have worked out how to use a tilde) then they wouldn’t be asking the question, would they?

The character I used is not a tilde (at least not U+007E as found on a UK keyboard) but anyway, I’d misunderstood.

Surely all the OP needs to do is use a non-breaking hyphen: Unicode 2011 (Unicode Utilities: Character Properties).

The following can be pasted into Dorico:
Ci-ne‑o-lea-că‑a-vea de cap

thanks. The alt+hyphen worked just fine.