This what I don’t want.
This is what a do want.
Now all I have to do is get the page numbers right. I can’t make that happen. What should I do to get pages 1,2,3,… starting with the cover sheet, i.e., the 2nd screenshot?
This is what a do want.
Now all I have to do is get the page numbers right. I can’t make that happen. What should I do to get pages 1,2,3,… starting with the cover sheet, i.e., the 2nd screenshot?
You’ve posted a snippet of this before, I think, and I had the same questions that I didn’t ask, but will now (this isn’t a derision in any sense, just pure curiosity):
Is this a special classical guitar ( I see it’s a 7-string but that’s not too special ). If not, why did you notate this in bass clef. Guitar is always notated in transposed treble clef. When I was in university a lifetime ago, there would only have been a handful of guitarists that could read that–and only because they played bass or cello as well.
Second question: why the slash notation? I’ve seen many editions of this piece for guitar (even wrote my own years ago) and I’ve never seen slash notation. I’d even go so far and say it’s relatively rare in classical guitar music of any era except the modern.
I tried to get rid of this post, and it didn’t show up for quite some time, so I thought it was gone. It’s not, and for that I apologize.
I got the first two pages to be joined into one. That solved one problem and in doing so created another. I will deal with that in another post.
I followed the example of Brazilians, especially the late Amir Chediak. The manuscript is more readable.
We got off topic. I started a new thread and then made a mistake and lost it.
See you in another thread, but on my so-far elusive central topic.
If you think this as sheets of paper, and the print will end up as a booklet, then there will be something on the back of your title page (which would be page 1 - and would be the real cover page, covering the rest of your sheets). Your title would be on “the second page” i.e. on the front of that sheet of paper. This is, how pages are numbered in printed and bound books and booklets: the odd numbers are always to the right, the even numbers to the left.
If though your printout will end up on Spreads instead you can number the pages as you like. Go to Layout Options and in Page Setup set the first page to be (whatever you want it to be).
Prints two pages on each sheet of paper, with odd-numbered pages on the right-hand side and even-numbered pages on the left-hand side.