Typing "a" in Notepad is bugged

Hi there,

Just wanted to mention a bug I repeatedly have when simply typing text in the Notepad (Inspector) of a track.
After completing a few words, the cursor jumps back to the beginning, deleting the earlier typed sentence entirely.
This occurs when typing the “a”-letter, more precisely.
Using an Azerty keyboard, Belgian French Keyboard.
The workaround now is to type in the Windows’ notepad, then copy paste.

Thank you for looking into this!


I just typed this text in the notepad without seeing something strange …

Hi Fredo, thank you for checking this out. It might be a local thing, I have no clue… But in any case, I made a quick video capture for you,
but apparently the forum does not allow me to upload an mp4-file…?



Hi Fredo, so…can I upload a video to you or not? Also: did you use Azerty keyboard, Belgian French input?
The problem is still there, and needless to say it is very ennoying.



Azerty Begian Dutch.

The thing is, that if it can’t be replicated by others, it likely to be a problem with your system.
Not saying that it can’t be a bug, but it needs to be narrowed down to identify the problem.
So, if you can test a few things …
