UI responsiveness is really bad

There’s no need to supply ShikiSuen or anybody with the vital statistics of your Mac’s graphics hardware – please see this thread.

Wait until Steinberg release their first or second update of Dorico. Note that Daniel think “Dorico’s performance is CPU-bound, not GPU-bound.” according to his reply: Some thoughts on troubleshooting the UI responsiveness issue - Dorico - Steinberg Forums Now I prefer to wait and see the official solution in lieu of my troubleshooting processes.

That might be true if it weren’t for the fact that responsiveness is fine on my (very basic) Macbook Pro. A small delay—maybe in the area of 40-50 ms—but certainly not disruptive (and definitely something that could be optimized to an instantaneous-feeling level, imho).
This is brand new software that just hit the big public. Give the team a chance. Until they’ve found enough systems that share this problem, it will be very difficult for them to figure out the common thread…

Moving any amount of notes around is nearly instantaneous now with 1.0.30!
Good job!


While certain opertions are certainly a big step forward from 0.20, I’m experiencing that MIDI Step Time input in 0.30 is a step backwards. Nothing on my system has changed, and all other programs are as responsive as before, Cubase inclusive. *Puzzled, going into troubleshooting mode… *

We have fixed this already for the next update – it didn’t make it time for 1.0.30 unfortunately

Thanks for confirming, Paul!

Step-time input itself should be no slower in 1.0.30 than in earlier versions, but what Paul is referring to is reducing the latency of the note being echoed back to you as soon as you hit the key on your MIDI keyboard, taking into account the instrument’s transposition, etc. This makes a big difference to how quick the note input feels, of course.

That’s exactly what I’m experiencing, yes. (Should have started a new thread, sorry…)

Resurrecting this old thread (with its horrible title, alas) to note something I had not read in the documentation : writing lyrics in Dorico 4.0.10 is no longer laggy at all, I mean I can write at full speed and do not notice anything that would slow me down. Thanks team!!!