Unable to delete empty final page in an MusicXML conversion from Finale

Hi! I am a ling time composer who recently migrated from Finale (like a couple days ago!). I recognize that the two systems have different paradigms, and I recognize there will be a learning curve. I have been spending the last couple of days converting Finale files via MusicXML, and a lot of the transfer is seamless, but of course there are rough spots. I am willing to continue to beat up my conversion files, and in the process learn a lot, but also I want to take advantage of the community, may of whom have probably already travelled this path. So this post is not only to request information but also to ensure I am behaving appropriately within this community.

Anyway, I am struggling at the moment with a conversion in which I am unable to remove a final page. In my peregrinations and attempts to modify those aspects of the file that did not transfer smoothly, I somehow duplicated the entire piece twice, and then I tried to eliminate the second repetition of the material. I was easily able to delete stuff until there was only one empty measure on the page. And that is where the file now resides. Does anyone have any insight into this? Is there a sub-thread that specializes in people joining Dorico from Finale? Would it be helpful to upload the file?

I have tried some of the solutions, but I do not seem to have any Master page overrides, and it was interesting that the last page was a duplicate of the first. I looked for any Flow issues etc. and nothing pops out.

Anyway thanks for any insight, and I hope I am submitting this request correctly: please let me know if I have not!

Almost certainly!

It sounds like your score has 2 flows, but you only want one.
You can check that in Setup.

If you mean you have a single empty bar at the end you want to delete, click in that bar, Shift-B, in the popover window type -1 then Return.

Or you have a System break or Frame break you need to delete? (Turn on Signposts to see them)

You will have more helpful information after you upload the file, or a screenshot might help.

You could also have a page override (red triangle in the upper left corner of the page avatar in Engrave mode). You’d need to remove that to lose the page.

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David, welcome to the Dorico forum.
In general it is good to know that music.xml is an intermediate format (only) to help transferring notation from one application to another one. It does contain page formatting information, but it is mostly focused on the musical substance itself. In a way see it as a miracle, if you don’t have to deal with formatting your layout after .xml export->import. As Dorico offers more flexibility when it comes to formatting Layouts, it is usually much better and preferable to let Dorico do this part of the transformation. So in a way your examples, where layouts don’t match, are actually a very good starting point to start afresh.
If you - after having used this forum for a little while - can upload this very project, we can help almost instantly.


thank you!
Act I.i Adventure 1 2005.dorico (1.1 MB)
Here is an upload of the file. A clue I found was that in the last page, the numeration of the piece is incremented to “2”. I have uploaded the document. Looking forward to your great responses and to communicating with this great community!

Thank you! I already uploaded the file, but this set of instructions did the job! I knew it had something to do with flows, I just do not have enough experience with the interface yet. I am now going to go through some tutorials, set up a template, assign instruments, assign appropriate sounds, and then attempt to save as the formal Dorico template. I hope to be able to import my other files, and then transfer teh music into teh new template? Anyway thanks again!

Hi @David_B_Smith, in case this helps further, I made video with a polishing out your layout (as sum-up), using the suggestions above:


Thank you for this reply! I had discovered about the lows, but watching your video taught me three other things that seem obvious now but are lost in the depth of the Dorico application. Very useful and my thanks. Sorry for taking so long to reply: I had moved on with my more complicated solution but this will aid my workflow tremendously!