Unable to play WAV file after audio mixdown and export

Don’t know if this is related to your problems but I’ve read reports of randomly disconnected exFAT formatted drives with Sonoma. Maybe you would check this in your setup and test with APFS drives?

Will this issue be fixed?

What’s the solution for mac OS/Windows users crossplattform users?

I have the same issue with windows 10 . Cubase updated to latest version 13.0.41 but Media player is not playing the exported mixdown. I need to use realtime rendering option for my Access Virus Ti2 and I set bit depth to 24 bit. But Audacity can play it. Weird… Still not fixed ?

I am a Mac user, and doing the Mixdown to system HDD worked for me. Definitely the exFAT issue. I went gray before I found this forum :smiley: