Under My Skin

Hi all,
I had quite a bit of fun with Under My Skin
I don’t give you the words, as they are really minimalist.
It’s about Blood & Bones , and Fresh Flesh…
Enjoy !

Stream 07 - Under My Skin by Stephco | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

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That’s very experimental. What I’d love to hear in it is a big kick drum pumping the entire track. Your kick is almost unnoticeable but I can just make out some low thump where one is… make it bigger and sidechain everything too it and BOOM! there you go!!!

Hi mitchie
Thanks for your time listening, and for your input as well.
To be honest, when i started that one, kind of by design, i did choose to NOT have a “big” kick.
When listening to the almost “done” work, i reviewed that option, and decide to keep it “small”.
Now that you are saying that i should reverse the decision, i will give a try, cause i still have everything in mind . Ppart of my routine is to give time between projects, so i still don’t have started a new one.
Also my workflow is easily customizable, i can easily give a try,
By the way, why to you suggest a sidechain approach ? to get a “pumping effect” ?
Again, thanks for your time.

Because if you want the kick to pump the track not sidechain approach, to get the desired level of pump, you’d need to drive the kick hard into the group so that it is the over dominant sound to be triggering the compressor. With the sidechain approach you can pump the track as much as you like without boosting the kick too loud.

I do both, as our kicks are too loud by design. However, I’ll use a sidechained envelope/volume shaper instead of a compressor, for the big pump, this is so we can design/control the release curve of what the compressor would be doing. Then a few stacked compressors on the groups, very low ratio, a few ms open on the attack, 1 fastest release, the other longer for the groove of the beat.

ok, i get you regarding the sidechain approach.
I also understand the Env Shaper thing,
sorry to bother, but can you educate me on why you 'll use stacked compressors vs only one?

I’m far from professional to take my words as a go to but…

The first is so the 2nd isn’t working as hard.

The first is to have a fast release for the faster notes, quick springiness. the 2nd is more for the groove to the kick. I’ll do this on a synth group, a drum group and both of those go into premaster group too, where it’s done again.

The groups is so the synths nicely bop together, the drums nicely bop together, then the synths and drums nicely bop together.

Edit: I have experimented with them in the alternate order, originally I had them the other way round but I’ve been preferring the fast 1 first fora long time now.

Thank again,
I’ve followed your advice.
Didn’t wanted to push too much, but enough to really feel the difference. You can listen here:

Stream Under My Skin Digital (reload) by Stephco | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Hum… frankly, seems better.

Hi Stephane,
It’s been awhile. This is coming from Jswetch, not swetch, because I got shut out of forums for some unkown reason, and had to create new account with a different email to get back in. That will explain the length of time between you posting this song, and me giving it a listen.
I can’t hear the first version any longer, but, to be honest, I didn’t really pay attention to the kick drum issue. I’m mainly struck by the fact that you went this far with a vocal on one of your tracks. I recall you toying with that idea, and then “dipping a toe in” with wordless vocals on another track.
Of course, I liked what you did with the synths and the overall direction your music moves. It’s nicely recorded. The vocals here were a nice experiment, but I’d like to suggest once more that either wordless vocals, or something in your native French might actually be an easier and more satisfying path to follow. It might also suit your own “musical voice” that much better (sangue et os; chair fraiche…???).
I speak a little French, and I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it would be for me to put across a vocal performance of any kind in your lovely language. That’s really the only suggestion I could give you relating to this song beyond saying once again, that I look forward to hearing more from you.
All the best,

Hi John,
Hope everything is fine on your side despite your logging issue.
Regarding the vocals , i fully understand your point.
Trying to sing in English was a decision i made because of the ubiquity of this language.
It’s obviously challenge and takes, for me, lot of energy as you mentioned.
Few months ago, I’ve tried to connect with a “blues” female singer in Atlanta without success, simply no answer.
I also offered to give a try to a son of a friend, but he told me that his “artistic” direction was really different.

PS: I will post my new track soon.

Just checking in to say I really liked this one.

Hi Leon !
Good to see you around.
Happy that you enjoy the work.
Take care

Still alive! Haven’t been writing music since my last album. Too busy playing in bands! Takes a lot of time, between rehearsals and actual performances. Somehow I ended up in two different bands, performing two or three times a month. It’s a lot of fun, though. Actual audiences who like the music!

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Wow ! that’s really excellent.
Would love to do the same around. I’m kind of missing these (old) times.
Knowing you, the audience have to like the music (not the dancefloor)
Enjoy Leon!

Ha, no, in this case I’m playing covers of old favorites. So the dance floor, not the original weird music! Better to play than to insist on playing originals! Anyway, having fun doing it.

All my tracks just disappeared in SoundCloud. All of Stephco’s tracks disappeared as well. Anybody know what’s going on?

Hey Leon, just checked , seems OK for Stephco, but nothing when opening Early 21. (lborden).
Don’t have a clue.

Thanks, I think they’re back. That was strange.