“undo last” often crashes the entire program

When in the score editor, “undo last” often crashes the entire program, as well as some random movement in the score editor with the mouse (less common). Score editor stability needs work. I’ve crashed 4 times in the past 30 minutes, and I avoid undo entirely now.

I can only reproduce an undo failure in score edit by

  • Showing chords from the chord track in the score editor, and at the same time have a “protection lock” switched on on the chord track. Then adding a score note and applying undo in the score editor will fail and will crash/close the score editor (in page as well as in edit mode.) After that I wonder if the project still would be stable.
  • It works fine when I unprotect the chord track.

Thank you @ejocvx I can confirm this.
I will report it to Steinberg.