Undoing a clipboard merge do not restore original audio


1) The environnement:
Windows seven 64 Pro SP1 (offical) / 8g RAM / Intel core i7 3770k
Cubase 8 Pro (offical)

2) The issue:
0: Prerequisite: Have an audio track
1: Edit the audio track by double cliking on
2: select a reasonable small area and press “control+c” to copy it in the clipboard
3: select on another place a target area LONGER than the copied one
3: open “Merge clipboard”
4: apply it => The merged is done as expected
5: Undo it:
Result => The original audio is not restored/is truncated, and the audio is corrupted/lost
5 bis: To see the bug multiple times, just redo/undo multiple times (Control+Z then Control+shift+Z)

Note: This NOT occurs if selected target area is smaller than the one to be merged



Tried it too with the same results. The file is truncated and rendered useless.

Best regards,
