Undoing Render in Place

Hey guys. I am composing for a project atm and I have to render some of my tracks as they are eating my processor. My brain is stuck :sweat_smile:
When I render in place, how do I go back, i. e How do I unrender something if I want to fix a thing in midi again?
I came across this answer 2 months ago somewhere and I didnā€™t write it down. I think there is a key command too.
So I thought this was the best place to ask.

Apple Z undo ā€”-

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Thank you, Luke.
I know how to go 1 step bacj i. e. Undo. But my question was different. Maybe I didnā€™t explain it well. My question was if I already rendered in place and one of the midi tracks is grey and I canā€™t do anything with it, after some time csn I ā€œunrender itā€? Can I un Grey it and make it functional again?

Well, you canā€™t ā€˜unrender itā€™ but the midi part is only muted, so you can unmute it from the info-line, or using the mute tool

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Steve, you just changed my life! :grin:Thanks a lot.
Iā€™ve been using Cubase for ages and was so ignorant for many things.

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