Unexpected/Unintended result - ARA2 Unmix components/multiple layers bounce to silence in Cubase

I realize that I have to fully merge all layers up to the parent channel/layer, but on first time use I did not foresee that and just expected that bouncing the event in Cubase would sum everything.

I’ll do it correctly now, but, there is always the risk the this occurring accidentally if someone is fatigued or needing to work quick and there is no recourse as doing ‘Undo’ in Cubase will not return you to the ARA2 session as you had finished it so you’ll have to start the ARA2/SL edit all over.

It’s actually an issue that’s solved in the upcoming patch 2 (which should be released in the next 2 weeks).

Oh awesome! I will then be able to remain slightly lazy :smiley:

I’m glad this is getting patched, because I’ve slipped up a couple times even knowing of this quirk… depends on my caffeine balance :smiley:

check your PM :slight_smile:

Same is happening in Nuendo. I thought I was doing something wrong. Anyway, I hope it is solved soon.

The patch should be out quite soon !

Well… there it is :slight_smile:

check out the patch notes: https://download.steinberg.net/downloads_software/SpectraLayers_7/7.0.20/SpectraLayers_7.0.20_Version_History.pdf

Wow! Thank you! :purple_heart:

I had this happen again for some reason, post update. I’m not exactly sure how, but I had all the layers solo’d, and I think one of the layers selected