Unicode character difference in System Text (4 vs 5)

Not a big deal, but unexpected behavior. I saw in the Dorico video that there were changes made to unicode text.

This was my Dorico 4 score PDF : (System Text includes a unicode arrow character; Dorico 4 App shows the same as the exported PDF)

Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 6.42.58 PM

This is Dorico 5 App in Write mode; shows a different character in the score :

Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 7.12.01 PM

This is my score PDF exported from Dorico 5 as viewed in Preview : (Shows no arrow character at all ; even though the arrow is there in the Write window)

Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 7.14.10 PM

The reason for this is that when you inserted the arrow character, you didn’t explicitly choose the font in which it should appear. Academico doesn’t contain the complete set of tens of thousands of Unicode characters, so if you request a character that’s not included, you’ll end up with a character from another font that does contain it; this substitution is determined by the Qt framework rather than by Dorico itself. If you want to be sure that you will always see the same specific character, then you should set it to an explicit font via the text editing popover.