Please look at the attached project, which luckily reproduces the issue I’m having in a much bigger score.
Unison Trill in Divisi.dorico (481.6 KB)
The issue: both divisi staves need unison trill to alternate between fully pressed and harmonic notes. However, while the setup of each trill is correct, the auxiliary note in the bottom division doesn’t appear. Any other interval appears correctly.
How to reproduce:
- create a divisi
- add your trills
- set them up to a default interval (a major second)
- change the interval to perfect unison
See how the division auxiliary note disappears.
By setting an interval of a second, I did indeed see the auxiliary notes appear (with default noteheads), which disappear if you reset the interval to zero.
But strangely, after setting a positive interval again and changing the auxiliary noteheads to White Diamond Noteheads, I was then able to reset the interval to zero without them disappearing…
Does it work for you?
Unison Trill in Divisi.dorico (435,2 Ko)
(and sorry for the F natural, I removed the sharp as a try at the beginning and forgot to put it back!)
Wow, this is brilliant, thank you!
I still think this is a bug, but I’m glad there is a way around!
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Yes, it really looks like a bug!