Unmixing Multiple Songs in Standalone

I have a live concert recording. Is it possible to do a separate unmix /remix for each song? I selected the first song, ran the Unmix Song and adjusted the sliders for each instrument/vocal layer to get the best mix balance. When I select a second song and open a new layer and try to run Unmix Song-nothing happens.

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Try to place each of the songs you have into its new project. You might need to separate them initially, if you have recorded all in a large single file.

Once your unmix is done, export each song by rendering them into their own names. You may also want to save their .slp project files for later.

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Too bad, I was hoping to avoid having to separate out individual songs.

I gotta say there is not enough info in this thread to even attempt to reproduce what is being discussed here

of course this is possible

in what? In a file folder? In spectralayers? this comment is soooooo wide open

Do you mean that you:
1-open audio file of live full set in SL;
2-using selection tool(s) in SL> selected the first “song” in the spectrograph (I’m guessing Time Range tool);
3-process unmix song module to selection;
4-Unmix Song successfully unmixed the selection;
5-adjust volumes per unmixed layer of the unmixed layers;
6- select next song with SL selection tools (possibly Time Range again)
7-attempted process of Unmix Song for second selection fails

is that what you mean to say?

first thing to check:
are you absolutely certain you have the selection in the active layer? further, are you processing Unmix Song on the active layer?

I’m willing to work on something like this over the weekend because I have many DAT and cassette transfer I want to run through SL for Unmixing parts and NR. Mostly live “concerts”.

That said, I typically do separate out a section at a time so SL isn’t processing 20 minutes per unmix song…cuz that’s how long a 3-4 min Unmix takes on my machine

Yes , that’s what I want to do.
So far, I can unmix/remix the first song but when I select a second song and “unmix song” nothing happens.

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@Folkie What do you mean by ‘nothing happens’? Could it be that you created a new empty layer? In SL you obviously can’t unmix an empty layer and you can’t unmix a group - in other words you can’t unmix a layer that has already been unmixed.

Try the following:

  • insert regions (Shift+R) to mark the starts / ends of each song. You don’t have to use regions but it might make the task easier.
  • in the original layer, select each song in turn using the regions as guideposts. You can double-click on a region to make a time range selection.
  • once the range of a song is selected in the original layer, right-click and select ‘Cut to new layer’ (or use Ctrl+Shift+X). This will create a new layer for each song.
  • next when all your songs are organised as new layers, select each song/layer in turn in the right Layers panel and apply ‘unmix song’ to each song/layer separately.
  • you can now remix each song as appropriate

P.S. Activating View>Snap to Grid and Markers can make life easier when making selections.


this is just not enough information…we aren’t mind readers here…I wasn’t sitting next to you when you tried whatever process you are not able to carry out

give us repeatable steps and tell us what exactly what you did…your info is far too vague for anyone else test your claims

I can’t work on this until this weekend

I wasn’t doing the “Cut to New Layer” step. I was just selecting a new song and going directly to “Unmix Song” and choosing “Apply” with no response. I will try your suggestion for “Cut to New Layer”. I will have a chance to try it later and will let you know how it goes. Thanks everyone for your help!


I tried the Cut to New Layer but it didn’t work. “Nothing to Cut to a New Layer”

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That’s probably because there’s nothing to cut to to a new layer if you are trying to cut from an empty layer!!! Just make sure you are cutting to a new layer from the original layer ! You need to take a careful look at the logic of this procedure.

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yep, @Folkie you are clearly select an empty layer or group

SL does have a learning curve

before you do anything in SL you have to verify which layer is the source and which is the destination