It’s happened again. Just upgraded to CuBase 14 Pro, opened a project and can’t find audio devices. I’m using ASIO4ALL (as I was in CuBase 13), but the Device Port insanely tries to use my iPhone. On the main display, Audio Inputs and Audio Outputs both say Not Connected. Dorico continues to work fine, btw.
It just seems to me that the mere act of upgrading should NOT be so disruptive.
Any suggestions?
Can you show the ASIO4all control panel?
So if you don’t need iphone for anything ASIO you could probably just de-activate those outs with the power buttons you see there and restart Cubase and it will pick up the other outs automatically. Otherwise in audio connections can’t you just select the TI PCM outs that are listed there…I assume that’s what you want to use? Or is that a realtek I see poking up above the scroll bar…maybe those are what you need to activate?
I use a Behringer U-Phoria for sound. It’s a USB device. I just chose the one that looked closest to that. This happened when I upgraded to 13 Pro. Don’t understand why audio seems to “get lost”
restarting Cubase had no effect.
Ok. For some reason, the upgrade had turned off output routing on channels that had music. After pressing buttons ad infinitum I finally discovered this in the channel Inspector. Set it to Stereo, and I have sound.
Again, this seems ridiculously arcane for something that was working fine in the previous version. Why Cubase didn’t just bring forward all the settings is beyond me.
If you deactivate all the stuff you don’t use in ASIO4all things would probably work more smoothly. Having all that stuff active could be making ASIO performance worse as well.
This happens to me too. Every other time I open Cubase 14 Pro outputs are not properly set. No sound.
Same here. So frustrating.
Does anyone know the answer to this problem for a pc. Windows 11 pro. I’m having the same issue. No sound from audio tracks to the control room after 14 pro upgrade. Instrument tracks work but not the audio tracks. So frustrating.