If I get the download at this page: Cubase: Music Production Software | Steinberg
and get the update from Cubase 8.5, will that download the full installer? In such a case, could I then install Version 10 on another operating system connected to the same license dongle which I had for Cubase 8.5?
Will the old Cubase 8.5 still work on the old operating system as long as the license key is connected? I worry that upgrading the license key might break the old license.
Thanks for your answer(s) svennilenni.
There is a slight misunderstanding.
On the same machine - with the license key always connected - I can boot either into Mac OSX El Capitan from one partition or Mojave from another partition. I already have Cubase 8.5 working fine when I boot El Capitan. I want to put Cubase 10 on on the Mojave system. But I want the license key to be also valid for Cubase 8.5 when I boot the El Capitan operating system.
Since all my VST libraries are on an external drive, I think I can expect things to work the way I want. My only concern is how the licensing might operate. And yes, I know I have to get the latest license control application for the Mojave system.
Another reason I expect the license might work for both is that I have an old installation of Cubase 4 on El Capitan. Apparently, when I upgraded to 8.5, the license still remained valid for Cubase 4 since I CAN run it. However, since the situation is a bit different here I thought I should check.
No misunderstanding i think
Your eLicenser software needs to be updated on both partitions / OSes. If your old El Capitan System checks an old database, it will expect a Cubase Pro 8.5 license for your USB-eLicenser key number. Since the dadabase is outdated, it will not recognise, that this Cubase Pro 10 license is your updated C8.5 Pro license, and therefore probably not allow you to run 8.5 anymore. With the updated database, the Cubase ro 10 license is considered valid and will let you run all older versions also.
Many thanks for all this info, svennilenni,
As I understand it, you are saying that updating the license control software on BOTH partitions/OSes is all that is necessary to insure it works the way I want.
You also appear to be saying that updating this software also updates some database as well.
Just in case I lose the ability to run Cubase 8.5 on El Capitan, I am not so sure how I can fall back, since the license key will be changed and restoring the OS to an earlier version will not help.
Am I being over cautious? If I had a certain (not too involved) fall-back plan, I would do it right away.
I have Cubase 6 , I bought Upgrade from Cubase 6 artist to Cubase Artist 10 , installed it successfully but when I run activate code don’t want upgrade Cubase 6 !
Cubase 6 is not an available Cubase version. Check your eLicenser control center, which version you have - that determines the update or upgrade you have to buy…
Apart from that, what exactly is the problem when you run activation code what does happen, which error pops up…?
Useful information please!
And stop triple- and crossposting…
Thank you for answer
I have Cubase 6 installed , and I ordered Upgrade to Cubase10 Artist and when I try to instal this on the installation screen my Cubas 6 version is crossed
My question is do I have to have Cubas 6 Artist to upgrade it to Cubas 10 Artist
Before version 8, the top edition of Cubase (which is now called Cubase Pro) was just called Cubase. Steinberg only allow you to upgrade to the same or a higher edition of Cubase. What you are trying to do is, in effect, a downgrade from Pro to Artist.
You have bought an upgrade from an old version of Cubase Artist to Cubase 10 Artist - but you do not own Cubase Artist so the activation code will not apply. Check in eLicenser Control Center - if your existing licence is Cubase 6, you will need to buy an upgrade from Cubase 6 to Cubase 10 Pro.