Upgrade from version 11

Hello, everyone.

I’m having some trouble upgrading from an older version to version 14 in the new licensing system. How do you go about solving this? Has anyone experienced the same issue?

Thanks in advance!

just go to the Steinberg website

and pick the Cubase version you would like to upgrade to. Click on the Buy button and you will be asked if you want to buy the full version, an update or an upgrade. Select the one that includes your current version and the rest should be self-explanatory. Be prepared to login into your Steinberg account to prove that you already own a Cubase version and that you are eligible for an upgrade.
That´s about it. Good luck!

sorry, wrong subject.

What I posted was not relevant to this topic. Ooops, on my part.

Wrong subject?

I think I’ve done it so far.

maybe you should state what is your actual problem? All you have to do is buy the correct update and follow the instructions :slight_smile: there are a few steps so where are you stuck?

I had an unactivated license of version 12 (upgrading from 11). I had an unactivated upgrade license from 11 to 12, but I activated it yesterday. This means I was eligible for version 14 because it was activated during the grace period.
The problem is when I want to migrate from the old eLicense system It seems that I can’t find any license key.

How to verify eligibility for free Grace Period update – Steinberg Support

could this be of help?

but I would assume that once you have activated your new license to Cubase 12 or 14 they should show up in your Steinberg Download Assistant. Then you should download the latest version from there and run it.

I misunderstood your issue and posted something that was not relevant.

It’s ok.

I mean if I want to convert or upgrade from an earlier version of Cubase to version 14, I have to to do following steps according the image I’ve attached. I allready got Cubase 14 activated, but should I “migrate” to the new Steinberg Licensing system?
See below.

There is nothing to migrate anymore when you have Cubase 14 activated, because it is using Steinberg Licensing only.

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when it says no license to upgrade it means you are good to go and you are done. if you want to run v11 you do so with the dongle connected. if you want to run v14 just run 14 and it will activate on your computer. there is a new software called Activation Manager and you can tell which products are activated and not activated.

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