Upgrade licensing vouchers missing....help

Hi, does someone has same experience?
Most off my products I already upgraded to Steinberg Licensing, but for 8 imagesounds there are still no vouchers available.
Here’s the list:

  1. Smooth Jazz
  2. Sequel conent set Funky
  3. Rn Ballads 1
  4. Pop Guitar 1
  5. Funky guitar 1
  6. Funky guitar 2
  7. 60s Guitar
  8. Urban Pop Vocals 1
    These are still availlable to buy, so they aren’t out of service.
    Does any one know why there aren’t vouchers given for thes?
    Also made a support request, but no reply yet.

Yep, experiencing the same thing! I’m still missing my vouchers for Groove Agent, MGuitar and TGuitar. Today those plug-ins stopped working without my old USB dongle. Not a problem to use the dongle for now, but submitting a ticket now.

Hello, I asked Steinberg Support for the missing vouchers and they did send activatin vouchers for the missing ones, so I’m almost ready to go without the dongle. Only the very old ones don’t go to be upgraded like the sequel content set.
FX basic suite for the UR…c series interfaces will be released during this year.

Solved after interaction with Steinberg Support


Same here, I got a reply from Steinberg Support in less than 24 hours. Now I’ve got the vouchers.

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I have a similar problem, I need vouchers for 2 Cubase AI licenses, a halion symphonic orchestra VST sound instrument set and Compressor 260 ( not sure if this last one got a new license version or not). Everything else in my account was moved to the new system from the vouchers (except Halion 6, but I will buy an upgrade soon).

My problem is the local support (Brazil). I contacted them last year about this, and they told me that Steinberg will sent me the vouchers one day in the future…
Server shutdown is scheduled for 2025 and I need those vouchers before that. I can’t contact Steinberg directly, only local Yamaha support ( I hate that stupid regional rule from Steinberg. Local Yamaha guys don’t know about Steinberg software, or don’t care).