Hello. I have a question. I plan to purchase Cubase Elements 14 soon. When I want to upgrade to Cubase Artist 14 in the future, will I also have my Cubase Elements 14 version? The thing is, I don’t really know how it works. After upgrading to the artist version, will I have two versions/apps: (Cubase Elements 14 and Cubase Artist 14)? Or will the elements version be replaced by the artist version? Same with updates. If I update, say, Cubase Elements 13 to Cubase Elements 14, will I have both versions, or does version 13 replace version 14? Sorry for the long message and please explain
2 Answers, 14 will never replace 13, they can coexist both.
But elements will be replaced by artist, as it is the same program but with more options enabled at least on C14. On C13 Elements and Artist are different apps. But artist will fully open Elements projects. There is no risk in loosing anything.
And you can have Cubase installed on 3 computers simultaneously.
Hi @ulung1872, and welcome to the Steinberg forums.
Yes, you will also be able to use Cubase Elements.
When you upgrade to a higher version of Cubase, Steinberg have kindly allowed us to use lower versions of Cubase as well.
ie, if you upgrade to Cubase Artist 14, you can use that license for Cubase Elements 12 and 14, Cubase Artist 12 and 13.
I believe you can use it for Cubase AI 12 to 14 also.
One more thing, when you, for instance, install and activate Cubase Artist 14, that single activation will allow you to run the previous versions of Cubase (as mentioned above) without having to activate them separately on the same Computer.
Hope this helps.