Hi - this is a licensing question please.
I have cubase 11 on my aging 2010 mac pro and it’s vital that i can keep working on this machine whilst I set up my newer 2019 mac pro. I have just bought cubase 14 (upgrade) for the new mac, I understand that it will now use a non dongle based ID system going forward. Whilst installing cubase 14 on the new mac will I have to insert the dongle? I am worried that if I upgrade the license on the dongle then cubase will stop working on my older mac? should I be installing cubase 14 without using the dongle at all? The Cubase helpline assured me that cubase 11 will still work on the old mac using the dongle but I want to make sure I get the process right. Thanks very much
Yes, you need to attach the dongle to the new Mac to get the license for Cubase 14 activated.
No, that does not stop your older Mac from working. As soon as your Cubase 14 license has been activated you can remove the dongle from the new Mac, reattach it to the old Mac and keep on using Cubase 11 as before.
That is simply not possible.
So the support already confirmed this for you and you don’t trust them?
Thank you, no of course I trust them! I’m just underconfident about this sort of stuff and wanted to make sure that I wasn’t making an error as I didn’t actually go through the exact procedure with them - much appreciated for your help
JurgenP is 100% correct.
I just did this exact update and was also unsure if the dongle would keep running the older version of CB. In fact I even asked about it here just like you did!
Just do the upgrade on the new machine , after CB 14 is activated the dongle will still allow you to run CB11 on the older Mac.