Please proceed with the cancellation of the order. Thank you for your assistance.
Could you please let me know which MySteinberg account is associated with the Cubase Artist 13 license? Thank you.
Unfortunately, I cannot do that due to data privacy regulations.
It would be up to you to find the account with the Cubase Artist 13 license on it.
I don’t quite understand what you mean. I haven’t purchased Cubase Artist 13; someone else bought it, upgraded, and used my account?
Thank you very much for your investigation and assistance."
"I have found the items in my artist13 account. Can I transfer them to the same account?"Can this purchase also be canceled?
So, you have bought the update to Cubase Artist 13 after all?
I am sorry but that update was made in April and the license is in use, so there is no option to cancel that order anymore.
If you need further assistance with the existing license, please contact the local Yamaha support in Taiwan:
Thank you!
I will use Cubase artist 11 in the other account , thank you
Sorry ,I have bought cubase artist 8 to cubase pro13 in chi****** account, but I can’t upgrade ,could I sent a cancel request?
Other cubase artist 11 license was used in my another account ch**********
I will use it. Would two account’s license can be merge?
Thank you
Please send me a private message, containing the email addresses and the order numbers. If a cancellation is possible, please make sure that the license is not activated on any system.
Sorry I don’t know where is the message button to send you private message
could you send a message thanks a lot
sorry I guess I don’t have authority to send him a message
could you help me that cc. @Ed_Doll
Thanks a lot and thank you for your patience