Upload download assistant failed

I tried everythin mentioned on the site and after many tries, it said to reachout to the manufacturer. In the process of this trying , my computer upgraded to the latest (macbook Air) Also I updated Dorico thinking that might help. Now nothing will sound in all of my old files as well. Please help. Thanks

Sorry to hear that you’re having problems, Paige. Is the problem that you are unable to use Steinberg Download Assistant, or that you’re unable to hear any sound when playing back in Dorico? Or perhaps it’s both :slight_smile:

If you could do Help > Create Diagnostic Report in Dorico and attach the resulting zip file here, we can take a look and see if there are any obvious problems.

Hi Daniel,
It was both things. Here is the file. I hope it is helpful.

Dorico Diagnostics.zip

Sorry, Paige, but that link on Google Drive appears to need named access for individual users. Could you share it in such a way that I don’t need to request access in order to download it?

Okay. I’m working on it.

I changed to allow anyone with the link to open. I cannot find that page again to see if it is active on this file.

If I follow directions from online on how to change the access, there is no choice of General Access for me to click on.
Please try the link again and see if I did manage to change the access.

(It looks like I could send the file under share if I use Message or Air drop. )

That is all I can come up with. Hope this helps.

Dorico Diagnostics.zip

Paige, perhaps it would be simplest if you send me your diagnostics via a service like WeTransfer.com (it’s free). You can send it to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de. Sorry for the bother!

WeTransfer does not recognize the address you gave. I could just send it by email. Would that work? I need an address to send it to.

I tried again on WeTransfer but cannot figure out how to move the zip file from my desktop into the WeTransfer message. Sorry that this seems so hard for me.


Sorry for all the bother, Paige. I’ve now been able to take a look at your diagnostics. It looks like everything is pretty much in order, but I suspect the issue is that having installed HALion Sonic 7, Dorico is no longer able to load the sounds in the HALion Sonic Selection library, and that explains why you’re getting no playback. Please follow the steps here:

I downloaded the file and I still have the same problem. I sent you a photo of the screen with the error message.

I tried starting from a fresh project and the piano is working! I think the problem has been solved. Thank you!

I’m not sure this update got to you. I just started a fresh project in Dorico and the piano was properly loaded.! Thanks for staying with me on this.

That’s great news, thanks for letting me know, Paige. In any existing project where you still have problems, please go to Play > Playback Template and reapply the default playback template. That should spur them into life.